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Week 4 Homework Assignment

Week 4 Homework Assignment

Q Homework Assignment Written Assignment Click for more options Week 4 Homework Assignment (20 points) This week’s assignment takes you back to working with the real world data you examined in week 3. Instructions: (NOTE: This is similar to the select cases action you did in week 2) Open data IPPS.SAV Select only cases from the state of Michigan Next, select only cases from the city of Grand Rapids NEW OPERATIONS FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT Create a new variable called Hospital with value label codes 1 and 2 using the following commands: Compute Hospital = 1. OR Go to variable view in ipps.sav and create the new variable HOSPITAL for name and label and designate as Numerical and Scale Then copy, paste and run the code below in your syntax file Compute Hospital = 1. If name = "SAINT MARY'S HEALTH CARE" Hospital = 2. * Define Variable Properties. * Hospital. VARIABLE LABELS Hospital 'Hospital'. VALUE LABELS Hospital 1.00 'Spectrum Health Hospital' 2.00 "St Mary's Hospital". EXECUTE. Note: the * at the start of a sentence indicates a comment that will not be executed in SPSS. Conduct a two-sample t-test using the independent samples test on average medical payments for Spectrum Health Hospital and St Mary’s Hospital. Review EXAMPLE 4.2 in text book). Save all your commands to a syntax file Deliverables: Word document in APA style formatting containing: Independent samples test results table similar to table 4.4 A narrative for the methods section and for the results section similar to the narratives at the end of EXAMPLE 42. SPSS Syntax file Assignment Rubric

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Week 4 Homework Assignment Table 1: Two-Sample T-Test Using the Independent Samples Group Statistics Hospital N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Average Medicare Payments Spectrum Health Hospital 125 9016.7158 7117.67154 636.62390 St Mary's Hospital 79 9638.4708 8085.84457 909.72859